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L Board
Seles Presentation


t-com office LLC


Sales Presentation



ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), 図解デザイン(Infographics)


PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD


13 slides

A4 Landscape

L Board, which manages, accumulates, and analyzes data from LINE official accounts, entrusted us with the redesign of their sales materials.

Responding to the desire to completely overhaul the previous materials, we initiated a style guide proposal for font and color. We were involved in designing PowerPoint slides, setting up slide masters, and creating infographics for showcasing the service's features.

To ensure that those downloading the materials can quickly access the required information, we designed navigation tabs for each section's heading, setting hyperlinks for easy navigation.

We've created visual representations of the service features used in the document to be utilized on the website as well.
Using Adobe XD, we designed visuals with each function separated into layers, providing data in both SVG and PNG formats.

The integration of data aggregation, storage, and analysis, functioning collaboratively as one platform, is depicted in a single infographic using isometric illustrations.

We've used the same Google Fonts for both Japanese and English characters, minimizing the editing burden. Additionally, we chose web fonts to ensure smooth utilization on the website when loaded.

While green is the main color, we proposed a slightly more casual and vibrant color scheme in line with the modern content nature of LINE account management.

We established theme colors for the three main functions, applying and adapting the template design for each page in the function introduction slides. Mock-ups were created using Photoshop.

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