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Manual book for sellers


Iranoan Co., Ltd.


Manuals & Corporate Reports



パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), スライド構成提案(Presentation Outline), 3Dイラスト(3D illustration), 図解デザイン(Infographics)


PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, blender


17 slides


We were commissioned to design the manual document for Gachaichi, an online gacha platform service for trading cards sellers.
The manual covers the mechanics of online gacha, important information for sellers, packaging guidelines, and the scope of operational support from the platform.
To ensure clarity, especially for those unfamiliar with the process, I proposed a design with abundant illustrations.

The goal was to create a document that reflects a festive and enjoyable atmosphere, akin to a festival or street market.

The design aims to evoke a sense of excitement and assurance for users, encouraging them to engage with the service with a positive and upbeat mindset.

The main visual on the cover was created using 3D software, Blender.

We designed a graphic featuring Gachagacha stalls lining a plaza at Gachaichi.

The illustration captures the evening atmosphere of the town with its lights, and the playful touch is conveyed through the toy-like, deformed models.

For individuals registered as sellers to quickly access necessary information when needed.
Each section is equipped with navigation links embedded in the headings, ensuring easy and instant reference.

Covering topics such as selling procedures, payment methods, and prohibited activities, the manual is designed to be a user-friendly resource.
Users can refer back to the document multiple times, ensuring compliance with the rules and facilitating an enjoyable experience while using the service.

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