Recruitment Pitch Deck
ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design)
PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator
25 slides
A4 Landscape
IGOODS CO., LTD, a company specializing in the development and sale of fully customized original goods and novelty items, approached us for the creation of a presentation for new graduate recruitment and company introduction events.
To effectively showcase the strengths of original goods planning and in-house development, as well as convey the passion and warmth of the employees in their working environment, we extensively incorporated actual workplace photographs into the presentation.
In delivering the presentation for use in recruitment events, we also provided the client's internal team with ease-of-editing features, including Slide Master settings and a style guide utilizing OS standard fonts.
Taking pride in our products and business, we carefully reviewed and processed each wonderful photo material provided to ensure the enthusiasm and energy of the vibrant individuals working at our company resonate with the students attending the seminar. We meticulously selected and arranged the images.
While predominantly using the Yu Gothic font tailored to the client's working environment, we incorporated certain decorative Western fonts in the design to maintain a high level of design aesthetics in the presentation material.
Taking pride in our products and business, we carefully reviewed and processed each wonderful photo material provided to ensure the enthusiasm and energy of the vibrant individuals working at our company resonate with the students attending the seminar. We meticulously selected and arranged the images.
While predominantly using the Yu Gothic font tailored to the client's working environment, we incorporated certain decorative Western fonts in the design to maintain a high level of design aesthetics in the presentation material.
We set up the design of the template in the slide master, allowing for easy replacement of photos and text by the client even after delivery. For the design of section-dividing title pages, we incorporated symmetrical elements to maintain visual interest as the number of pages increases.
Adapting to the rapidly changing information during the job hunting season, we ensured the design's high reproducibility using PowerPoint. The thoughtful design prevents monotony, making it visually engaging for viewers.