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Ryze Consulting K.K.
Comapany Profile


Ryze Consulting K.K.


Company Profile



ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), 文章推敲(Document Editing), 図解デザイン(Infographics)


PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator


23 slides


We were commissioned by Ryze Consulting K.K., which supports executive coaching for multinational executives and high-class talent matching, to design a sales presentation in PowerPoint.

Given the requirement for deployment in multiple languages, including English, we adjusted the balance between design and readability to ensure a design that resonates internationally.

We conducted a native English proofreading check based on the draft manuscript provided.
While keeping the Japanese content and design unchanged, we made slight layout adjustments for the English presentation.

Incorporating a gradient with a touch of blur, we aimed to evoke the impression of high-class talent and global expansion, aligning with the corporate color green.
The design includes a blend of light to create a sense of illumination.
The cover and headline designs were adjusted to evoke a lighting effect, resulting in a rich document with subtle textures.

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