Hogetic Lab Co., Ltd.
Manuals & Corporate Reports
ブランドテンプレート(Branded Templates), パワーポイントデザイン(PowerPoint Design), スライド構成提案(Presentation Outline)
PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop
27 slides
We created a PowerPoint presentation for Hogetic Lab, providing an overview of their cloud-based data collection tool, "Collectro."
The presentation covers the features of Collectro, case studies, and knowledge related to non-coding data collection.
We detailed the functionality and explained the background and needs of data utilization, aiming to deepen the understanding of data analysis throughout the organization.

We incorporated visualizations, analysis graphs, and mockups of actual screens into the design to create a document that is easy to understand and allows readers, including those new to the subject, to delve into the content at their own pace.
The color scheme and fonts are based on the style guide created for other media materials in the previous request, ensuring consistency to strengthen branding.
To enhance the company's recognition, adjustments were made to unify the client's corporate identity within the created materials.